Gábor Tóka
Board Member

Gábor (MA, PhD Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest) is currently a professor of political science at CEU Budapest and research associate at the Department of Methodology at the London School of Economics. Gábor is particularly interested in how elections may fail in fairly aggregating citizens preferences in democratic elections. 

He published extensively about elections, voting behavior and public opinion and directed over 40 academic and research surveys in six countries from Central and Eastern Europe, including Romania; was a founding member of the Planning Committee of Comparative Study of Electoral Systems; a co-principal investigator of the 2004 European Election Study; and the main coordinator of the Hungarian National Election Study in 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2006. 

He was also an academic expert for the first cross-national deliberative poll (tomorowseurope.eu) and coordinated cross-national surveys of local councilors and municipal officials for the Local Government Initiative as the founding director of the Tocqueville Research Center, and held research fellowships at the Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu; the European University Institute in Florence; the University of Oxford; the Munck Center at the University of Toronto; the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC; the Kellogg Center at the University of Notre Dame; the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research; and at Nuffield College, Oxford. For his CV and publications see http://www.personal.ceu.hu/departs/personal/Gabor_Toka/

Gábor participates at MRC in research on news media across Europe, Romanian elections, online experiments, citizens’ attitudes and political behavior. He also provides advice on statistical analyses, questionnaire surveys, and visual displays of statistical information for many research activities in the institute.

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