29 October, 2014
12:00 pm

Median Research Centre (MRC) and OpenPolitics.ro are launching an online application designed to help citizens better understand and evaluate the activity of members of the Romanian Parliament, the country’s most important political forum.  

Projects like Transparent Parliament are extremely important in a democracy and have been used in a multitude of countries across the world. The transparency they can bring to political processes can inspire more trust in the state’s institutions, in the political process and in the legitimacy of the vote.

Why is such a project necessary? Because:

  • it brings together valuable information on the legislative process and offers necessary tools (statistics, graphs, comparisons) to understand the work of MPs (including how they represent local interests, how they voted on various laws and the status of MPs that changed parties),
  • it’s accessible and easy to use,
  • it exposes the general public to the knowledge of researchers active and specialised in this field,
  • it enables the comparative evaluation of the activity of MPs,
  • it updates automatically every two days.
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