Less Hate, More Speech

An Experimental and Comparative Study in Media and Political Elites’ Ability to Nurture Civil, Tolerant, Pro-Democratic Citizens. The research project examines the role political elites and mass media play, intentionally or unintentionally, in reducing or promoting anti-democratic and intolerant...

EU ENGAGE Project 

It inquires into the current tensions between supranational EU governance and popular mobilisation at the national level critically questioning EU driven policies and EU legitimacy. It proposes remedial actions based on sound empirical research on the relationship between public...


A project focused on the inequalities in post-communist societies and their impact on the consolidation of democracy. A three year Framework Programme 6 funded project coordinated by the University of Oxford.


A project having as main focus the deliberative civic involvement in the decision-making process in the EU. It was implemented by an international consortium coordinated by the University of Siena, Italy, funded through Framework Programme 7 of the EC...

Rethinking Individual Representation

The project addressed a fundamental question for democracy, namely whether there is a link between candidates’ election campaigns and legislative behaviour. We collected data on the campaign styles and strategies of the candidates running in the 2012 Romanian parliamentary...

The Romanian Candidate Study

Is part of The Comparative Candidate Survey (CCS), an international study of recruitment, campaigning, issue orientations and attitudes of candidates at national legislative elections that has covered until now 49 elections in more than 24 countries. Median Research Centre surveyed...

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